DIMECC has found a home in the Kampusareena building at the Tampere University of Technology. “Innovation is at the heart of what we do, so this is exactly where we need to be,” says CEO Harri Kulmala.
DIMECC Oy, a research, development and innovation company that serves the increasingly digital manufacturing sector, is very pleased with its location on the campus of the Tampere University of Technology. The company began operating in the newly built Kampusareena building in autumn 2015.
Kampusareena’s spatial solutions and services are designed to support a strong sense of community as well as cooperation between the university and businesses. The building is a meeting place for students, researchers, businesses and alumni.
“Kampusareena brings people together in the same physical space to join their forces in developing new ideas and solutions. Innovation is at the heart of what we do, so this is exactly where we need to be,” says Harri Kulmala, CEO of DIMECC.
According to Kulmala, there is no doubt that other campuses will eventually copy the Kampusareena concept by opening their gates, on a large scale, for businesses.
“And that’s a very good thing indeed! The campuses that follow this path will probably improve the concept further, which means that Kampusareena will then be driven to evolve as well,” Kulmala explains.
Campuses bring the international dimension to businesses
According to Kulmala, the business benefits of being located on a university campus can only be properly measured in some twenty years’ time. Nevertheless, as the large number of enterprises interested in establishing a presence in Kampusareena shows, businesses already see many benefits to being located on a campus.
“A campus is like any other network: the larger and more diverse it is, and the more people are in it, the more important it is to be part of it. I personally would like to see the Kampusareena user base expand,” Kulmala says.
For a company with an international orientation, being located on a campus is a good alternative, according to Kulmala.
“With such a small number of foreigners around, Finland is far from a melting pot, but campuses are more diverse than the country as a whole,” he explains.
One of Kampusareena’s concrete benefits for DIMECC is flexible spatial solutions. When it gets too cramped in the company’s own offices, Kampusareena’s multipurpose facilities always provide the right solution.
“I believe the use of shared premises will become commonplace in the future. Kampusareena is at the forefront of this development in Finland,” Kulmala adds.