SYK’s personnel
We are a flexible and agile expert organisation.
SYK’s operations are run by an expert organisation which, with 30 employees, is small relative to the scale of the company’s business.
We want to keep our organisation as flexible and agile as possible, as our operations are based on collaboration with external partners. Our key cooperation partners include construction companies, maintenance and property service companies and property development consultants.
Our organisation was divided into five teams in 2018: campus development and marketing; property development; customer relations and services; research, development and innovation; and business administration.
Gender distribution in 2018

Agility through management
International Finland Oy. In connection with these moves, a total of 8 campus managers, maintenance managers and account managers were transferred to the aforementioned partners under their existing terms of employment. Campus maintenance is managed by 12 regional managers who also play a significant role in the customer interface.
Employee development discussions are held at least once a year for all of the company’s personnel. The content of the discussions includes setting personal targets and goals based on the company’s strategy together with the manager the employee in question reports to. Personnel-related matters, occupational health and safety matters as well as surveys and reports are discussed in company-wide personnel meetings or team meetings.
Employees are encouraged to maintain their professional competence through training. The company prepares a training plan annually. Research-based industry information has been distributed at monthly R&D&I afternoons, which have also given SYK employees who are currently enrolled in academic programmes the opportunity to share their knowledge with the rest of the workplace community.
At the SYK Personnel Days held in Turku in the spring, the agenda included not only recreation and entertainment but also site visits focused on the efficient use of space and service solutions. Also invited to the personnel event were representatives of core partners with whom SYK works in close cooperation on a day-to-day basis to achieve its goals.
We encourage our employees to pursue training.
Well-being creates efficiency
In an expert organisation such as SYK, each individual’s contribution and expertise is important to the overall performance. It is important for us to ensure a high level of well-being among our personnel.
We have a comprehensive occupational health service agreement with Terveystalo. We set annual targets in cooperation with the occupational health service provider for maintaining our employees’ ability to work and promoting their health. We support proactive measures aimed at maintaining the ability to work and we organise employee training regularly and as necessary. During the year, one employee took parental leave and one employee took job alternation leave. The departure turnover rate for the year was 33%. This was primarily due to the business transfer of property management operations.
Our employee benefits include lunch, culture and exercise benefits. All employees are covered by the company’s incentive scheme. The first club event organised by the SYK Personnel Club took place in the early spring in snowy Lapland.
It is important for us to ensure a high level of well-being among our personnel.
Number of personnel 2010–2018
"Identifying the real needs"
Successful campus development requires an open mind and the courage to ask questions as well as question existing views. Jukka Lindholm makes plans that extend several years into the future.
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