GRI Index


Sijainti raportissaLisätieto

Organizational profile

1021Name of the organizationSYK in brief
1022Activities, brands, products, and servicesSYK in brief
1023Location of headquartersGovernance and management
1024Location of operationsSYK in bref
1025Ownership and legal formSYK in brief
1026Markets servedCustomer relations and services
1027Scale of the organizationSYK in brief
1028Information on employees and other workersPersonel
1029Supply chainResponsibility, stakeholder interaction
10210Significant changes to the organization and its supply chainPersonel
Operating enviroment
10211Precautionary Principle or approachOperating enviroment
10212External initiativesEcological responsibility
10213Membership of associations Stakeholder interaction

Organizational profile

10214Statement from senior decision-makerGreetings from the CEO
10215Key impacts, risks, and opportunitiesStrategy
Research, development and innovation
Operating enviroment

Ethics and integrity

10216Values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior SYK in brief


10218Governance structure Governance and management
10219Delegating authority Governance and management
10220Executive-level responsibility for economic, environmental, and social topics Governance and management
10222Composition of the highest governance body and its committees Governance and management
10223Chair of the highest governance body Governance and management
10224Nominating and selecting the highest governance body Governance and management
10229Identifying and managing economic, environmental, and social impactsGovernance and management, risk management
10231Effectiveness of risk management processes Governance and management, risk management
10232Highest governance body’s role in sustainability reporting Board reviews the report annually

Stakeholder engagement

10240List of stakeholder groups Stakeholder interaction
10242Identifying and selecting stakeholders Stakeholder interaction
10243Approach to stakeholder engagement
10244Key topics and concerns raisedCustomer relations and services
Social responsibility, Customer cooperation
Stakeholder interaction

Reporting practice

10245Entities included in the consolidated financial statements Responsibility, reporting
10246Defining report content and topic Boundaries Responsibility, reporting
10247List of material topics Responsibility
10248Restatements of informationResponsibility, reporting
10249Changes in reporting Responsibility, reporting
10250Reporting period Responsibility, reporting
10251Date of most recent report Report is published annually
10252Reporting cycleReport is published annually
10253Contact point for questions regarding the report Ari-Pekka Lassila
Anita Rinne
10254Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI StandardsGRI-index
10255GRI content indexGRI-index
10256External assurance Financial figures in the report are based on audited information


1031Explanation of the material topic and its BoundaryResponsibility, reporting
1032The management approach and its components Responsibility
Personel, agility in management
1033Evaluation of the management approachGovernance and management, internal audit


Economic Performancet

2011Direct economic value generated and distributedFinancial responsibility
2012Defined benefit plan obligations and other retirement plansStatutory pension cover
2013Financial assistance received from governmentNo financial assistance in 2018

Indirect Economic Impact

2032Significant indirect economic impactsFinancial responsibility



3021Energy consumption within the organizationEcological responsibility, Energy consumption and emissions
3022Energy intensityEcological responsibility, Sustainable development indicators
3024Reduction of energy consumptionEcological responsibility, Sustainable development indicators
Property development and maintenance


3031Water withdrawalEcological responsibility, Sustainable development indicators


3043Habitats protected or restored Social responsibility, local communities


3052Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissionsEcological responsibility, Sustainable development indicators
3054GHG emissions intensityEcological responsibility, Sustainable development indicators
3055Reduction of GHG emissionsEcological responsibility, Sustainable development indicators


3062Waste by type and disposal methodEcological responsibility, Sustainable development indicators

400 - SOCIAL


4011New employee hires and employee turnoverSocial Responsibility, Sustainable development indicators
4013Parental leave Personnel, Well-being creates efficiency

Training and Education

4041Average hours of training per year per employeeSosiaalinen vastuu, kestävän kehityksen mittarit
4042Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programsPersonnel, Agility through management
4043Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviewsPersonnel, Agility through management

Diversity and Equal Opportunity

4051Diversity of governance bodies and employeesPersonnel
Governance and management


4061Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions takenNo reported discrimination cases

Local Communities

4131Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programsBusiness
Sosiaalinen vastuu

Public Policy

4151Political contributionsGovernance and management, Corporate Governance Code

Customer Health and Safety

4161Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categoriesSocial Responsibility, Product responsibility

Property development and maintenance, Our aim is to develop healthy, functional, safe and energy-efficient environments for learning and research.
4162Incidents of non-compliance concerning the health and safety impacts of products and servicesNo reported violations of regulations in 2018

Customer Privacy

4181Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer dataNo reported violations of regulationsin 2018

Construction and Real Estate Sector Disclosures, CRE

CRE1Building energy intensityEcological Responsibility, energy consumption and emissions
CRE2Building water intensityEcological Responsibility, energy consumption and emissions
CRE3Greenhouse gas emissions intensity from buildingsEcological Responsibility, Sustainable development indicators
CRE8Sustainability certificates, rating and labeling of propertiesEcological Responsibility, Sustainable development indicators

Essential key figures of SYK

SYK1Demosites for universities / Research, development and innovation investmentsResearch, development and innovation
SYK2EmploymentFinancial responsibility vastuu
SYK3Tax-footprintFinancial responsibility vastuu
SYK4Produced solar energy at SYK campusesEcological responsibilities, Energy consumption and emssions
SYK5Recycling rate
Property development and maintenance, Waste and recycling

Ecological responsibility, Sustainable development indicators

The report covers the data from The University Properties of Finland Ltd for the year 2018. The GRI G4 compliance of this report is confirmed by Solutions Agency Vinha, an expert in GRI reporting.